Wednesday, 11th DEC | 11:00AM (EST)

Building Websites in Record Time

Atarim 2.0 – Our Biggest Update Yet

The past month has been absolutely crazy here at Atarim. As we transitioned from a WordPress plugin to a full blown SaaS (see why we changed our name in our previous post here), we also reflected this in our platform.

In the past 18 months, this has been the biggest update we’ve ever done and it’s something we are very proud of.

This was definitely the hardest project of my entire professional life and having a (super cute) newborn didn’t make it easier! My team and I were working 18 hour days for almost the entire month to get this to fruition and I am extremely proud of them, the result and what we are now able to offer to all of you and to our industry. As with every big update, please make sure you perform the update in a safe environment first.

See the full list below (video coming soon):

Agency Dashboard

New Features

  • Complete redesign of the UI
    • Under the new name, Atarim, we also redesigned the Agency Dashboard, with a new color scheme, more minimal look and feel and repositioned, well, everything.
  • All data is now hosted on our server
    • We have implemented cloud based hosting for the Agency Dashboard, meaning that ALL new tasks, comments & tasks that are created on your client’s websites will be hosted on our side, getting rid of any bloat and increasing speed.
  • Email Notifications are now handled by us
    • No need to install SMTP plugins to make sure emails are sending from a website, all notifications will be handled by us ensuring they get delivered.
  • Improved Speed
    • As we scale we have more resources available on our server, to ensure an even faster experiencing jumping between different tasks and pages.
  • Automatic Image Optimization –
    • All images that are uploaded on the website side are optimized for web automatically, meaning you don’t need to save for web in Photoshop or use TinyPNG anymore.
  • New sidebar 
    • We added a platform wide new sidebar, for easy navigation, and to allow us to keep expanding beyond the limited space that the header navigation provided.
  • KPIs & Agency Benchmarks screen
    • Introducing a new screen to allow our users to run a data-driven business. The screen includes:
      • First Response Time – That checks the average time from when a task was created until the first comment OR when a task was marked as complete. From the past 7 days.
        It also shows a trend compared to the previous week so you can improve the result.
      • Task Completion Time – Checks the average time between the task was created and the time it was marked as complete.
        It also shows a trend compared to the previous week so you can improve the result.
      • Pending Urgent Tasks – Showing the number of tasks across all websites that are marked as urgent and still open.
        It also shows a trend compared to the previous week so you can improve the result.
      • Total Completed Tasks – This shows you the total number of tasks you have completed since you joined.
        It also shows a benchmark compared to other agencies that are part of the Atarim ecosystem so you can compare your agency to others in the industry
      • Weekly Number Of Tasks – Shows the weekly number of tasks created in last 12 weeks that have been created.
        This will demonstrate the growth of your business’ productivity across all websites.
      • Websites With Most Time Tracked – Shows the top 5 websites that have the most time tracked inside your Agency Dashboard.
        Giving you an overview of how much time has been spent on tasks for each website by you and your team.
      • Tasks Completed This Week VS Last Week – Shows you how many tasks have been completed each day of the current week VS last week.
        To show you the productivity of your agency as you continue to work on client projects and provide support to your care plans.
      • Time Tracked by Users In Past 30 Days – A list of users on your Agency Dashboard and the amount of time they’ve tracked in the last month.
        Get an overview of how your team are working in terms of time when it comes to their tasks, letting you know who is getting the work done!
      • Full Team Activity – See a full breakdown of what users inside your Agency Dashboard have been up to, whether they have commented on a task or change the status/urgency.
        Always be in the know of what is happening within your Agency, ensuring you never miss a beat.
    • Task Center (The Agency Inbox)
      • Activity Notices
        If the status or urgency of a task is changed, a notice will appear in the chat showing you what was changed, who changed it and when.
        Follow a task from beginning to end and see exactly what was done.
      • Assigning Users – You can now assign a user to a task with a drop down and keep accountability in check.
        Give ultimate responsibility on tasks by assigning your team members, letting them know it’s there’s to complete.
      • Auto Screenshot In Right Bar – The auto-screenshot is now in the right bar of the Task Center instead of being a tab that you switched out for the task chat.
        Making it super easy to just click the screenshot and see it in a lightbox, so you don’t have to move away from the task itself.
      • Color Coded Stickers – Stickers are now color-coded based on task status and urgency.
        Making it super clear what the current state of a task is before you even open it.
      • Images Inside Tasks – Before when an image was uploaded to a task, you would not see this on the Agency Dashboard, it is now added.
        Ensuring you can see everything that is inside a task.
    • Boards
      • Every covered in the Task Center and...
      • Task Slide-In – Before, when clicking a task in the boards, it would pop-up in the center of a screen. It is now a much nicer slide-in.
        Now you are not taken out of the action when viewing tasks on the boards section, making it way easier to open and close tasks as you’re working.
    • Global Settings
      • New Color Picker – A heavily improved color picker for white label settings.
      • Matched With Client Interface – Previously settings screens were different between the Agency Dashboard and Client Interface Plugin, they are not identical.
      • Improved White Label – You can now change the favicon on the widget on websites, giving you full white label options to impress your clients.

Client Interface Plugin

New Features

  • All data is now hosted on our server
    • We have implemented cloud based hosting for the Agency Dashboard, meaning that ALL new tasks, comments & tasks that are created on your client’s websites will be hosted on our side, getting rid of any bloat and increasing speed.
  • Changed The Name –  Instead of just calling it a plugin, it is now called the Atarim Client Interface Plugin. This is to make it clear that the Agency Dashboard is for the Agency and the website is for the client.
  • Complete redesign of the UI 
    • Under the new name, we also redesigned the Client Interface Plugin entirely, with a new color scheme, new icons, new stickers and well…everything (same as Agency Dashboard)
    • New Bottom Bar 
      • A completely new bar at the bottom of the website.
        We have now split the sidebar features such as filters & reports into the bottom bar. allowing a more visual experience for less savvy clients.
      • The sidebar now only shows tasks.
        With a much cleaner design, the sidebar is way easier use.
      • Tasks in the sidebar are shown based on date.
        Tasks are split into lists based on when they were made, so you can see which ones were made today, yesterday or in the past week – giving even more clarity.
      • Color coded stickers on sidebar
        Previously color coded stickers only showed on the front-end, now it’s much more uniform by having them color-coded on the sidebar too.
      • Progress bar to visually show you tasks on each page
        On top of the bottom bar sits a colored bar, red shows you how many open tasks, orange shows in progress & green shows completed. Giving you a visual representation of the state of each page you visit that has tasks.
      • You can now white label the icon on the widget
        The favicon on the widget can now be switched, giving you full white label options to impress your clients.
      • Main color toned down throughout Client Interface Plugin
        Previously if a bright color was chosen in white label settings, it could look super wacky. This color has been toned down and only put it a few places, giving the option of white labelling without it being too much.
      • Approve page button on bottom bar
        Pages can now be approved by clicking a button in the bottom left of the bottom bar – be careful though, once it’s approved…it’s approved (can’t undo).
      • Number of tasks per page
        See how many tasks on a page in the bottom right, giving you quick info on how many have been created.
      • Quick access to Agency Dashboard
        You can now quickly access the Agency Dashboard by clicking a link in the bottom bar, this is only shown to Web Masters.
      • One Line Instruction
        Now when entering comment mode, a clear message is shown instructing your clients what to do, giving them all the help they need to get started.
  • Stickers
    • You can delete file uploads inside tasks
      Deleting files that have been uploaded to tasks is now super easy with just one click.
    • Auto optimization on images
      All images that are uploaded are automatically optimized for web, no more saving for web in Photoshop or using TinyPNG.
    • Share link improved 
      Before you had to refresh to see the share link of a task, it is now created in real time with the task, stopping the need to refresh (we’re all about saving time!)
    • Activity notices now appear inside tasks
      Whenever someone changes the urgency or status of a task, an activity notice will appear in the chat showing what was changed, who changed it and when, letting you see the entire journey of a task.
    • Mark as complete checkbox on pop-up
      You can now complete tasks with a checkbox on task pop-ups, making it super efficient when a task has been finished.
    • White border on stickers
      A white border was added on stickers on the front-end to make them pop-out of the page
    • Comment mode highlight
      While in comment mode, selecting elements will now not only have a red border but also a flashing shadow, making it clear what is being chosen.
    • Improved cursor behavior in comment mode
      In comment and remapping mode, hovering over elements is a much smoother experience now, ensuring there is no confusion over what you’re highlighting.
    • Mobile optimization
      We have improved the position of pop-up on mobile, it now shows on the bottom statically, as opposed to popping out, making it much more user friendly.
  • Graphic FeedBack
    • Everything already covered in Client Interface Plugin and…
    • Image preview when creating a new graphic file & a new version of a graphic 
      See a preview of the image you are uploading to make sure you’ve chosen the correct image for your graphic items.
    • Top bar redesigned
      The top bar has been minified to make it much cleaner when using the Graphic FeedBack tool.
    • Increased size of the image 
      The size of graphics has been increased, making it easier to see what you’re looking at.
    • Sidebar has been made wider
      Before it could be difficult to look at a bunch of tasks in the sidebar, now it’s much cleaner with a wider background.
  • Task Center
    • Activity Notices
      If the status or urgency of a task is changed, a notice will appear in the chat showing you what was changed, who changed it and when.
      Follow a task from beginning to end and see exactly what was done.
    • Color Coded Stickers
      Previously color coded stickers only showed on the front-end, now it’s uniform by showing them inside the Task Center too.
    • Auto screen has been moved
      The auto-screenshot is now in the right bar of the Task Center instead of being a tab that you switched out for the task chat.
      Making it super easy to just click the screenshot and see it in a lightbox, so you don’t have to move away from the task itself.
  • Settings & Permissions
    • Complete redesign
      Screens have been completely redesigned, making it a much cleaner experience when toggling settings and permissions.
    • Favicon upload
      You can now replace the favicon on our widget with your own, truly giving a full white label option.
    • New Color Picker
      A new color picker to make it much easier for you to choose the color you want to white label the Client Interface Plugin to.

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