Wednesday, 11th DEC | 11:00AM (EST)

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Meet us at WordCamp Italia 22

See you in Milan? Atarim sponsoring WordCamp Italia 2022

With our unique plugin now live on the Repository (download or review it here!), our love for WordPress is stronger than ever, so of course we’ll have Atarim team members attending WordCamp Italia! 

Atarim are proud to once again be an event sponsor, and this time two of our newest recruits will be there for both Contributor Day and the main event – and they can’t WAIT to get out and about in this friendly WordPress community that we all know and love.

Caroline Crossland, our new Head of Inbound Marketing, and Alexey Gaverdovskiy, Manager, Enterprise and Webhosting Sales, are excited to meet as many of you as possible.

Atarim, like our founder Vito Peleg, is deeply integrated into the WordPress ecosystem, and whilst you can now use our game-changing tech to collaborate on any URL – yep, any URL – our dedicated WordPress plugin remains our main focus, and we are incredibly passionate about bringing its benefits to freelancers and agencies in the space.

WordCamp Italia is happening in Milan on the 12th and 13th of November, and hot on its heels just 2 days later will come our latest update – so if you want to hear about the most exciting new feature (you’re going to love it!), make sure to grab Alexey or Caroline to hear all about it!

WordCamp tailors its talks for beginners, and they can be fantastic for developers and others who want to learn more about using WordPress for their business.

Our WordCamp Pedigree

Back when Atarim was called WP FeedBack, we launched our WordPress plugin at WordCamp London, then gave it a huge push a month later at WordCamp Europe in Berlin. Vito was amazed by the openness and nature of the events, and was immediately hooked! 

Over the following months, Atarim attended, sponsored and spoke at as many camps as they could get to, building an amazing, supportive network of WP friends and contacts. 

Vito even got to meet Matt, the man behind WordPress – and thanked him for dramatically changing his life! 

Next on the list was a huge moment for Atarim – the first company retreat, held at a resort on an island in Thailand, before heading over to Bangkok for the WordCamp Asia event…

Unfortunately COVID had other ideas, and a week before this was due to happen everything was cancelled. 

We were devastated, naturally, but instead of feeling sorry for ourselves we turned our energies towards creating an online event instead – and the Web Agency Summit was born. 

It became the largest event in the space, and is now an annual celebration of the community with more than 100 speakers, and support from the top companies and publications in our industry – not to mention tens of thousands of attendees through the years! 

But now, in this crazy post-pandemic phase, live shows have returned and we are thrilled to be back meeting with you all again. 

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