Wednesday, 11th DEC | 11:00AM (EST)

Building Websites in Record Time

Workflow & Integrations on Websites & Designs

Leverage your favorite tools together with Atarim to provide the best experience and automate your entire workflow.

Automate your workflow

Add your favorite apps such as Zapier for complete automation, and eliminate repetitive tasks, free up your time, and be more productive.

Leverage your favorite tools

You can integrate Atarim with all your favorite tools, and create a frictionless workflow that works perfectly for you and your team.

Create custom solutions

Reach out to our team and we can create a custom solution or functionality made just for your business!

Loved by 13,000+ teams and 1.2 million people around the world

Get On The Same Page As Your Team and Start Collaborating

Designed to simplify dealing with visual feedback – from one project to thousands.


Add automation rules to avoid manual work on tasks that can be automated

Generic Integrations

Powered by Zapier, Pabbly, Make, and Webhooks – we integrate with virtually any platform that supports these methods of integration out of the box. 

Native Integrations

Utilize our native integrations that we’ve built in directly in Atarim.

Start Collaborating and Managing Your Work Efficiently

Create a perfect workflow with your favorite tools, automate your tasks, and get things done faster.


We offer partnerships with your favorite tools.

Custom API’s

Take advantage of custom APIs and add functionality your team might miss.

External Tools

Leverage your favorite apps, connect them with Atarim, and create a perfect workflow

Questions & Answers.

Can’t find the answer here? Contact support.

What if you don’t have an integration that I need?

You can use Zapier, Pabbly or Make. You can use webhooks or you can use our API (on specific plans). As well as submit a request for an integration.

Two-way sync. Can I keep two systems in sync so that data is shared across Atarim and another solution?

Yes, for apps that allow us, we insist on it. Comments are created on both sides, statuses are synced when possible. Tasks, comments and statuses.

We’d like to build a custom integration. What’s the best way to get in touch?

You can reach out to us via email, live chat, or book a Zoom call with our team.

How does Internal workflows work with external integrations?

It’s as straightforward as it seems. If something happens in Atarim, then do something in ClickUp. It works seamlessly.

Ditch the endless email ping pong and start collaborating on your creative projects.

Your team deserves more than spending hours decoding messy screenshots and in endless, repetitive email threads. Start delivering your best work faster.