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Last Updated On 2024-04-12

Managing Team Members & Collaborators

As an administrator, you have the ability to manage your team members and collaborators who have been invited to projects in your Atarim account.

This user management takes place on the People page in your dashboard:

How To Add A New Team Member

From this page, you can add a user to your team. To do so, simply locate the Add Team Member button in the top right corner, as shown below:

Once clicked, you’ll be taken to enter the first name, last name, and email address of the team member you’d like to invite:

Note: Adding a user from here will only allow you to add people on the Administrator and Contributor levels. If you want to add a collaborator to a specific project, learn more about inviting collaborators here.

How To Assign A Team Member To A Project

If you’re an account administrator, you’ll have access to all the projects in your Atarim account. However, contributors only have access to the projects they’ve been granted access to. To add a contributor to a project, head to their profile.

Once there, look for the Assign Projects to User option in the top right:

Note: If you organize projects into folders, you can also control access to multiple projects at once by adding and removing this team member from folders using the Assign Folders to User option directly above the Assign Projects to User option.

Once clicked, you’ll see the following modal window appear:

Here, simply toggle the projects you want this team member to have access to by clicking on them. The ones highlighted as blue are the ones that they have access to and the ones in white are ones that they do not have access to.

How To Delete A User

To remove someone from your Atarim account entirely, locate them on the People page by clicking on their profile (name and profile photo).

Let’s use Shawn’s account as an example.

Once on his profile, we would simply click Delete User as shown below:

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