Wednesday, 11th DEC | 11:00AM (EST)

Building Websites in Record Time

Live sessions every week covering all the Atarim essentials.

Ask us questions, get set up on Atarim, share feedback with us & more. Every Wednesday and Friday at 3 PM GMT and 5 PM GMT.

What will be covered?

  • Why use visual collaboration for design projects
  • How to get set up and transition to Atarim
  • How to use Atarim in your daily workflow
  • Your questions!

Here’s an overview of what to expect

In these live sessions, Jehrome – one of Atarim’s co-founders – will explore how you can make the most of Atarim. We’ll first spend some time showing you around, catching up on how familiar everyone is with Atarim, and then focus on specific questions that you have.

The main goal is to help you make the most of Atarim, implement it in your daily workflow, and get comfortable with using it. In addition, as they are hosted by Jehrome himself, they also tend to be a great place for feedback to come up in conversations. 

We look forward to having you join us in an upcoming session. 🤝