Wednesday, 11th DEC | 11:00AM (EST)

Building Websites in Record Time

Use Case

Scale Up Your DIFM Program

The world’s leading hosting providers already trust Atarim’s software suite to streamline project delivery and communication with clients – driving more output from existing DIFM programs. 

Not running a DIFM (or Pro services) program yet? We also help hosting providers set up all the systems and processes to get a well-oiled delivery pipeline up & running together.

Deliver Projects Way Faster With Visual Collaboration

Maximize project margins and reduce turnaround time with visual collaboration that gets end clients engaging with website delivery teams.

Define Clear Project Stages And Set Expectations

Mirror internal and client review stages using project stages in Atarim to define your workflow and set clear expectations. 

Keep clients in the loop throughout the lifecycle of every project without the email busy work & make sure they know when their input and final sign-off is needed.

Manage Ongoing Communication for Pro Services With Built-In Shared Email Inbox

Stop running a disarray of dozens of tools & make it easy for your customers to get in contact with your team for non-visual requests via email. 

With Atarim’s built-in shared inbox, you can triage email support requests all in one place.

Ready to ship your next big project faster and easier than ever?

Make Atarim your team’s competitive advantage. Get your entire team on the same page to work together without the chaos. 

Assign Work At Scale With Kanban Boards

Easily view every task across all of your projects in a single central Kanban board and drill down into individual projects for more focused work. 

Get every task done for a project and rinse and repeat for all of your projects until they all have that sweet green checkmark on your dashboard.

Sort your task queue by status and urgency.

Group Projects & Control Access Based on Categories, Teams and Departments

Use folders to organize your projects and control access for teams based on stages, your organizational structure & more. 

Every team member can be granted access to all projects in your account, assigned to projects individually, or granted access to projects in a specific folder.

Integrate with Atarim 1-Click Comment Icon

Join the ranks of, GoDaddy, Hostinger & more who have taken their customer experience to the next level with direct integrations to Atarim in their hosting dashboard. 

Introducing a 1-click comment icon to let your customers use Atarim on every website they host on your platform.

Ditch the endless email ping pong and start collaborating on your creative projects.

Your team deserves more than spending hours decoding messy screenshots and in endless, repetitive email threads. Start delivering your best work faster. 

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