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Last Updated On 2024-04-09

Kanban Boards

The kanban boards is very similar to the task inbox in the intention, with a more visual way of working. Where tasks are neatly organized into lists that you can drag and drop to create a smooth workflow for you and your team.

In this article we’ll take you step-by-step on how it works and what you can do with the kanban board.


To go to the boards page, you can click here inside the nav of your Dashboard.

You can also go to the boards and select a particular website from the websites screen.

This will open the website in the boards section so you can get straight to work!

Assets Column

Inside the first column, you’ll find all of the assets currently on your Dashboard.

By clicking on a website, you’ll change the tasks that are shown inside the kanban board columns.

If you click on “All Assets” at the top of the column, this will pull in every single task across all assets into the kanban board.

NOTE: We hide completed tasks when performing this action, as it increases the load time expotentially when there are 1000’s of completed tasks.

You can sort the list of assets inside the column to a different order (find out more about sorting here).

You can minimize the assets column to give your window more space too by clicking on the arrow icon.

Toggling The View

You have two options for the view of the kanban board, status or urgency.

NOTE: Coming soon, you will be able to create your own columns inside the kanban boards.

When in status mode, the kanban board columns will be based on the status of tasks: open, in progress, pending review and completed.

When you toggle urgency mode on, the columns will be based on the urgency of tasks: low, medium, high, critical.

Depending on how you like to work; status mode is more for a steady flow of tasks to go from open to complete, where as urgency is to show you critical tasks that need attention first.

Task Columns

At the top of each column you can see how many tasks are currently inside.

Each task displays the task number, the user who created it, the website’s name it’s on, how long it’s been since it was created, the title (which is the default first message), the users assigned to this task and the type of task it is (page, general or email).

Dragging & Dropping

As one would expect, you can drag and drop tasks between columns on the kanban board (I know, shocking right…🤯)

By dragging the task from open task to in progress, we have changed the status of this task.

NOTE: This will fire any notifications based on the user’s settings too!

You can also drag tasks to change the order in which they appear inside a column, handy if you’re a neat freak like me.

The Pop-Over

By clicking a task, the pop-over for the task will appear that houses all of the information about it.

At the top we can see the task sticker, the title of the task (the first comment by default), the website it’s on and the who/when of the task.

Here is where all of the task activity is shown, including: comments, status/urgency updates, time entries logged (learn more about time tracking here) and notes.

Take Me There

If you’d like to go to where this task is on the website, click on the “Take Me There” button. If this is a WordPress website, it will take you directly to this task and automatically log you in too (learn more about autologin here).

Assigning Users

You can also assign users to this task by clicking on “Who is Responsible”. This will be reflected as a status update in the feed too.

The user who is currently assigned will be highlighted inside the column the task is in.

When you assign the next user, the previous will still stay here, showing everyone the journey of the task through your team, giving ultimate accountability for tasks!

Adding CommentsFiles & Notes

To add a comment, simply start typing inside the box at the bottom and hit comment.

You also have the option to add a note to this task by clicking the yellow icon, which will not be seen on the front-end of the asset.

This is a great way to leave notes for your team on tasks to let them know something they need to get the job done!

To add a file, click on the paper clip icon at the bottom.

You can add any type of image, zip files or even PDF’s to a task.

They can then be downloaded by clicking on them or clicking the download icon.

Task Attributes

On the right side of the task pop-over, you’ll see the task attributes.

You can track time on the selected task by clicking on “Add Timer”, find out more about time tracking here.

An automated screenshot is generated when tasks are created which can be viewed in this column.

Making it super helpful for you to debug issues, especially when your client is seeing something you aren’t (like a caching issue).

Tech info gives even more information by showing you the screen size of the task creator, the browser they were using and some other helpful info.

You can change the status and urgency of the task, this will also move them inside the kanban board too.

Add or remove tags that are part of this task.

Choose who should be notified about the task (assigned users are automatically checked on).

And finally, you can delete the task.

Getting Support From Us

And that’s it! The kanban board is the perfect place for you to visit at the beginning of your work day, with ready made lists for each asset you have in your Dashboard for you to take care of, made for you by your clients no less!

If you have any questions or need anything in general, you can always reach us on where we are always happy to help!

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